Libya Build Benghazi | 4-7 November 2024, Benina International Airport, Benghazi
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Welcome to Libya Build Benghazi 2024

Libya Build Benghazi is set to make a triumphant return for its 2nd edition on 4-7 November 2024 at the Benina International Airport, Benghazi, Libya, establishing itself as the premier event for the building, design, and construction sectors in Western Libya.


This influential gathering will unite industry professionals, experts, buyers, distributors, and key decision-makers from both the public and private sectors across North Africa and the Middle East. Libya Build Benghazi will host 200+ local and international companies as the premier destination for industry professionals, experts, buyers, distributors, and key decision-makers from the public and private sectors.

Join us for a transformative experience at the forefront of innovation and collaboration in the dynamic fields of building, design, and construction. Inquire about exhibiting today.


SQM exhibition space




VIPs and Media


Innovative products



Bringing together North Africa's build, design and construction markets

4 - 7 November 2024 | Benina International Airport, Benghazi, Libya

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Featured Exhibitors at Libya Build Benghazi

Search Over 200 Build, Design, and Construction Companies at Libya Build Benghazi

Ajith Kumar, Director, GBH International

What our exhibitors say

Libya Build presented a tremendous amount of business opportunities for international manufacturers during the event. We will definitely participate again next year.

Thank you to our Sponsors & Partners

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Show Images

Take a look at this hand-picked images of exhibitors and visitors from Libya Build Benghazi 2023 which happened on 2-5 October 2023 at the Benina International Airport, Benghazi.

Recent News

Event Overview




VIPs & Press


SQM Exhibition Space




Innovative Products

Libya Build Benghazi is the perfect platform to showcase your products and services to a diverse audience of industry professionals.



Get the opportunity to connect with over 200 of the leading companies in your industry and build new business relationships.

Download Post-Show Report

Get insights on what happened in Libya Build Benghazi 2023 and a glimpse of what transpired during the last edition of the event.

Are you looking to access North Africa's growing construction market? Look no further than Libya Build Benghazi 2024, the premier event for the building, design, and construction industries in North Africa.

The premier event for the building, design, and construction industries in North Africa

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